How Can You Choose Reliable Box Mod Tanks?
People who are new to vaping rush for reputable electronic cigarette brands. By doing so, they assume that they have top notch accessories that can full-fill their basic needs.
I do not wish that you be part of this group.
This is because you will fail to analyze some vital aspects of electronic cigarettes like the box mod tanks.
Remember, it’s not about choosing cheap vape tanks, but the ability to satisfy your vaping needs. Therefore, choosing a reliable box mod tank goes beyond understanding the technology and designs.
The process of refilling box mod tans with e-cig juice
I know this can be an overwhelming task for newbies.
This is why I want to take you through an important and critical aspect of understanding and ultimately choosing a premium vape tank.
From experience, I have realized that choosing a vape mod that is not compatible with the electronic cigarette tank may result in:
- Too much vapor for the tongue, hence, you will feel uncomfortable
- Very little vapor that will deprive you the fun of enjoying your favorite e-juice
Let’s go straight to the main subject of this article:
1. Type of Material for the Box Mod Tanks
Whenever you are shopping for best vape tanks, the first thing to consider is the type of material. It is one aspect that determines the whether a box mod tank is durable or not.
Generally, you can choose from three types of materials:
- Plastic Tanks
- Glass Tanks
- Metal Tanks
Let me discuss each of this material so that you can make an appropriate decision:
Metallic Tanks
Here, you will find stainless steel or anodized aluminum electronic cigarette tanks. Normally, you will have two options:
- A tank with metals as the primary material
- A combination of metal and other materials such as plastic or glass.
Three different types of vape mod tanks
So, it is upon you to choose one that is stylish and good-looking.
Plastic Tanks
Polycarbonate (PC) is a popular plastic in the box mods. This is due to its desirable physical and chemical properties.
It does not react with most e juices. Besides, it is also strong and durable.
Glass Tanks
Pyrex material is popular here. This is due to its desirable features.
However, Pyrex tanks are heavier than polycarbonate tanks. Furthermore, they may also break, unlike the polycarbonate box mod tanks.
Even though you’re at liberty to choose any box mod tank, it is important to go for one that does not react with the e-juice.
For example, vaping hot cinnamon may not be suitable for a polycarbonate tank. In such circumstances, you will opt for electronic cigarette tanks made of glass.
I know this may prove quite challenging for people who are new to vaping. Don’t worry, I will explain this shortly.
2. How E-juice determines the Type of Electronic Cigarette Tank
Well, choosing the type of material for premium vape tanks should not be a random process. There are certain aspects that determine whether you go for glass, metal or plastic.
Furthermore, it’s the electronic cigarette juice that determines the design and complexity if the tank.
The e-cig juice is one of those critical aspects.
Refilling the tank with an e-cig juice
This is why you will find people who intend to quit smoking ask this question:
Where can I get the right e-cig juice for my tank?
Well, I am going to give you an in-depth clarification shortly.
The truth is that, whether you opt for a vape pen or box mod, the working principle of electronic cigarettes will require:
- Heating element
- Atomizer
- E-cig liquid to vaporize to produce flavor
Depending on their design and unique e-liquid, you can enjoy a unique vaping experience.
Now, let’s evaluate some important aspects of how e-cig juices determine the size of the tank.
Structural Design of the Tank vs. E-Liquid
Normally, you can choose from the sub-ohm tanks or mouth-to-lung tanks (MTL tanks).
So here, is how they determine the type juice:
A mouth-to-lung vaping involves lower heat. Therefore, you will not require a large amount of e-juice flow to keep saturating the wick.
Consequently, you can use thinner liquids.
On the other hand, using higher-VG e-cig juice in MTL tanks may result in scorched cotton and dry hits. This is because the e-cig juice thick viscosity will have a limited flow.
In the case of sub-ohm vaping, the main focus is to produce thick vapor. Therefore, in such situations, you need a higher-VG liquid.
This implies that you will produce enormous vapor due to the large juice channels and more viscous nature of the e-liquid.
Apart from these, you will notice that quite a number of box mod tanks feature an adjustable airflow system.
A section of a regulated mod box
With this design feature, you can enjoy e-cig juice as per your specific vaping needs.
Lastly, considering chemical constituents of the e-cig juice is important. By doing so, you will avoid possible etching, clouding or any other possible reaction between the e juice and the tank.
Now, I want to take you to another essential component to consider when choosing vape tanks.
3. Consider the Coil Resistance Level of the Vape Tank
Why is coil resistance level so important?
This is an advanced atomizer coil.
The coil resistance plays an integral role in vaping.
Basically, the ohm is the measure of an electrical resistance of the coil. Therefore, high ohm rating implies more resistance.
On the other hand, low ohm rating means low resistance.
Therefore, depending on the degree of resistance, you can achieve hot or cool puff. It is for this reason that you will see manufacturers indicating the resistance of the coils in their technical manual.
For example, Itsuwa 75 watt vape mod has an atomizer coil resistance of 0.1 to 3.0 ohm.
Apart from these, other critical features of the box mod tanks are:
4. Coil Position & Design
Quite a number of best vape tanks have their coils at the top or bottom.
Depending on the exact position of the coil, you may have different vaping experiences. You can analyze this depending on 2 distinct aspects as follows:
- Level of e-cig juice
In case you don’t pay attention to the level of e juice, the wicks may scorch while the coils may burn out. So, if you’re that person who forgets to check the e-liquid level, then you should go for the bottom coil design.
With these designs, chances of coils burning out are quite minimal.
- Amount of heat when vaping
The position of the coil determines the hotness puff. In case you need hotter vapor, then the top coil will be a better option, otherwise, try the bottom coil design.
In addition to these, you may choose a box mod tank with the single or double coil.
Again, you should know that dual coils require more heat and vapor. This is not the case for those with single coils.
These are tanks with single coils.
5. Should You Go for Rebuildable or Disposable Box Mod Tanks?
With rebuildable vape tanks, you can reuse your tanks for a long time, thus saving on the extra cost of investing in a new accessory. You can only replace coil heads or refill it.
The process is simple and you don’t require any special training.
On the other hand, for disposable tanks, once the coil burns out, you have no option but to buy a new one. I can recommend this for people who want to try vaping for the first time.
In addition to all these, you need to consider the rated power that may range from 40 watts to over 160 watts and the capacity.
Again, the e-cig vaporizer tank must be compatible with your device.
I know the process of choosing appropriate vape tank can at times be overwhelming. That is why here at Vapesoul, we are committed to designing and supplying vape mods to our customer satisfaction.
For any questions or clarifications, you can contact our technical staff today.